Thursday, May 26, 2011

Free At Last

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." ~Anais Nin

Last Saturday I began my journey to blossom.  I woke up early Saturday morning so that I could arrive at the starting line on time. To be honest, I was a little apprehensive, but still very ready to begin this journey.  I wanted to watch my fellow bloomer begin her own journey. When I woke up I ate a light breakfast with coffee. I took a shower and got dressed in comfortable pants and a loose top that was easy to pull on and off. I also grabbed  my floppy hat and sunglasses as instructed.

When I arrived at Feather River Plastic Surgery, I was greeted by Dr. Margaret Skiles, Dawn Mathieson, RN and our instructor, Dr. Elizebeth Lee of Artful Surgery in Berkley, Ca.  I wasn't the only one who was new to this adventure. Dr. Skiles and Dawn have never performed the Obagi Blue Peel.  This is what I love about my job. I trust Dr. Skiles and Dawn enough to let them train with new procedures on me, and they have not let me down!  I was not prescribed ANY pain medication.  I felt totally comfortable and only had slight anxiety.  When you arrive you are asked to sit in the procedure room chair, music is playing and they make it really easy to become comfortable. You are questioned as to whether you were faithful with the Obagi Nu Derm system as instructed. If not, you will be asked to reschedule. The Obagi Nu Derm system with Tretinoin is what makes this Peel so successful.

While you are seated Dawn will begin to mix the Obagi Blue Peel while her assistant will prep you with a fan and ice packs. I was instructed that each layer is 3 minutes of an intense burning sensation, but assured me they would count me through it just like when you are in labor. Let me preface the rest of this paragraph by saying, however uncomfortable, it is nothing like labor.  Dawn began by applying Acetone to remove any oil that my face may have produced.  She immediately begins applying the first layer of the Obagi Blue Peel and is done in exactly 3 minutes.  I began to feel a slight tingly feeling at 2 minutes and by 2 minutes and 40 seconds I was feeling a hot burn.  During this time the assistant was counting down for me which made it easier to get through. During the 3 minutes a fan is blowing to help with the discomfort. Immediately after she finished and I applied the ice pack the pain began to subside.

I was allowed to "recover" for about 5 minutes and was anxious to get this over with.  The second layer began burning within 30 seconds and felt like someone pressing on a bad sunburn. The fans and counting really helps you get through this second step.  When she was finished applying the second layer and ice packs were applied, the pain immediately began to subside. Within a few minutes there was no pain AT ALL.

After I was allowed to rest for about two minutes I was instructed to wash my face. I turned really blue and a lot of the blue stayed on my face as you will see in the pictures.  I was given all of my post procedure instructions and was sent home.  You feel completely normal, but look really strange.

Saturday, Day 1: That first evening I felt completely normal and was free to eat a normal meal. I washed my face and applied the Tolereen and Action combination as directed.

Sunday, Day 2: When I woke up Sunday morning I washed and moisturized as directed. My face felt tighter and a little clammy. 

Monday, Day 3: I kept my same post op routine while getting ready and am still really blue at this point. I headed to work. I was a little nervous because of the way I looked.  I was getting drier and tighter.

Tuesday, Day 4: I kept up with the same post peel routine. I began to feel really tight to today. It was a little uncomfortable. I couldn't talk very well and was not able to eat at all. My skin did start to break around my mouth but it was so tight I couldn't open my mouth or smile.

Wednesday, Day 5: I kept with the same post-peel routine. I really started to peel today. I began the morning feeling really tight still and by lunch time I was really started to notice separation from my face. It began to peel rapidly and I was finished by the evening.  At this stage it is very important to not promote or manipulate your peeling. Let it happen naturally and don't pick or peel. If you get skin that is loose you can carefully trim the excess skin. 

Thursday, Day 6:  I continued with the post peel routine, but added sunscreen to my face because I was returning to work and would have some sun exposure. My face felt like it was chapped or a really bad sunburn. I felt great and could immediately see a reduction in my poor size, my skin was brighter and a lot of the acne scarring was gone. I did not have a camera this day, but it pretty much looked like the mouth area in the previous picture.

2 weeks post Blue Peel:  I have been really happy with my results. I am a bit shiny right now because of the sun screen I am using. I have continued use of the Obagi Nu Derm System. I can't wait until I see my full results in 4 weeks. For now I am excited to show you my pictures and they aren't too bad for no make-up. I will start wearing a mineral powder tomorrow.  

I would love to invite you to our Obagi Summer Luncheon where I will be available to answer any questions you may have. It is a FREE lunch and we will be having great specials and giving out door prizes.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Anticipation is realization in advance, foresight; expectation or hope. The truth is this week has been full of Anticipation as D-day is getting closer.  My view of anticipation hasn't always been the most positive.  The anticipation I have experienced this week has been accompanied by moments of fear, as has been the case most of my life, but "The day will come when the risk to remain tight inside the bud will be greater than it takes to bloom". I know this quote doesn't just apply to plastic and reconstructive surgery, but to every type of event or situation that allows us to bloom into the person we want to become.  Mine is a journey both inside and out.  This is just a story of me blooming in one of the areas that I have remained tight inside, my skin!
So next week is the BIG EVENT-My Obagi Blue Peel and as I mentioned the fear that I have been experienced I am now translating as nervousness. This is mostly because I won't get the luxury of staying home all week. I am going to work so patient's can see the healing process up close and personal. The more research I do, the more I know this is the right decision for me and I know I will be happier with my skin.

As promised I will be posting before, during and after pictures.  These pictures are the easiest because I have my make-up on.  This picture is of me with my Arbonne makeup. This make-up is awesome and helps me feel comfortable in my skin.My goal through this process is to feel good about my skin and possibly good enough that I will feel confident without foundation.

This second picture is up close I have some powder on but you can see my acne  scarring below my chin where it is the worst as well as how uneven my skin is.

This procedure costs around $800.00 and works best when used in conjunction with the Obagi Nu Derm Kit before and after the procedure. I have been using Nu Derm for about a year and it has completely got rid of my acne and lightened some of my scarring, but I still have some left.  

I have heard the downtime for this procedure can be anywhere from 5-10 days. The difference depends on how many layers of the Obagi Blue Peel you will require to achieve your results. Some patient's may require more than one of these procedures.   This is a video of Dr. Obagi performing the Obagi Blue Peel and will be similar to what I will experience next Saturday.

Obagi Blue Peel, performed by Dr. Obagi

Below are two of the Before and After Photo's that Obagi has produced, results are typical. (We will see how correct that is ;).

                        BEFORE                                                                                 AFTER

So needless to say Anticipation is a good thing. To me it means something exciting is around the corner. And that "around the corner" may take a mountain to cross over, but the beautiful valley that is on the other side will be well worth the journey. Please follow me next week on the day of my procedure and for the recovery period. I will be posting a photo each day to show you exactly what one can expect during the recovery period.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Feeling Blue?

Feeling Blue about your skin?  I know we all do at one time or another, but I'm especially Feeling Blue!  I have been unhappy with a few things these past few years.  I struggle with adult acne and now that I getting older I am loosing the radiance I used to have.  I keep getting told we are supposed to accept growing old and I do, but I don't want to accept  looking older before my time. My motto is to grow old gracefully. I never took an interest in skin care before the age of 29.  I bathed in the sun too often, only washed my face with soap and water in the shower, and didn't drink tons of water.

After getting a part time job for a local plastic surgeon, I realized there were things I needed to start doing. I felt no pressure to lose weight, get invasive plastic surgery or fit into a mold I would never be able to fit into. They welcomed me with open arms, praise my strengths and encourage me to never settle for anything less than my best.

A few years ago we were introduced to Obagi Medical Products. Visit for more information. This skin care line was created by Dr. Obagi and is phenomenal system. The price isn't cheap, but well worth the investment. I have learned that if aging well is important to you then you must make an investment in that. Whether that be time and money or just time or money. This blog is not dedicated to Plastic Surgery, but to skin care. For me it began with using this product along with less sun exposure and more hydration. Taking these proactive steps I have noticed that my acne has dramatically improved. But unfortunately I still Feel Blue :(  I have some acne scarring and large pores that bother me on a day to day basis. 

So with that said you can see why I would be excited about being a Cosmetic Monkey again!  I was offered the opportunity to get the Obagi Blue Peel done. Formulated by internationally renowned dermatologist and chemical peel expert Dr. Zein Obagi, Blue Peel safely and effectively expands your powers of skin rejuvenation. The date is set for May 14, 2011 at Feather River Plastic Surgery and will be performed by Dr. Margaret Skiles.

WHAT IS THE OBAGI BLUE PEEL? The Obagi BLUE PEEL is a one to four step application of blue solution mixed with TCA (Trichloracetic Acid). These applications will lead to the removal of thin surface layers of aged and damaged skin. Layers of dead skin cells exfoliate and are replaced by healthier ones allowing the skin's own clarity and tightness to resurface.

Anyone who wants to look better and reverse the appearance of the aging process. Those who have blemish-prone skin, wrinkles, pigmentation problems, sun damage, or general poor skin quality will benefit the most. If you are pregnant, please consult with your physician first.

Since I fall under these categories, I accept.  Many of you who may choose to get this procedure home will surely want to take a week to two off of work, but I am not as fortunate.  I have agreed to continue working so that our patient's and my co-workers will be able to witness the healing process first hand. But I'm sure the benefits will outweigh the struggle.  I will also keep all of you posted as well with an update as to what is happening step by step. And you won't want to miss this because I will be posting pictures and videos.

Now this is just part of my journey. I know there are a million other things that I need to work on so please don't feel the need to inform me. Rather, feel free to ask me any questions about my experience and know that I look forward to answering them.